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The Third Temple, Red Heifers, And Bible Prophecy: David Fiorazo and Jonathan Brentner

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Jonathan and David discuss Bible prophecy and the third temple in Jerusalem as well as recent breaking news about the red heifers arriving in Israel, Scriptures relating to the future desecration of the temple, historical events, and the perspective of a few early church theologians. 

Jonathan Brentner is a Christian author, speaker, writer, and former pastor. He writes weekly for his blog “Our Journey Home” providing sound Biblical understanding and commentary on prophecy and world events. His latest book is called The Triumph of the Redeemed – An eternal Perspective that Calms our Fears in Perilous Times. His latest articles are about transhumanism and pastors ignoring Bible prophecy.

The Third Temple, Red Heifers, And Bible Prophecy: David Fiorazo and Jonathan Brentner

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Jonathan and David discuss Bible prophecy and the third temple in Jerusalem as well as recent breaking news about the red heifers arriving in Israel, Scriptures relating to the future desecration of the temple, historical events, and the perspective of a few early church theologians. 

Jonathan Brentner is a Christian author, speaker, writer, and former pastor. He writes weekly for his blog “Our Journey Home” providing sound Biblical understanding and commentary on prophecy and world events. His latest book is called The Triumph of the Redeemed – An eternal Perspective that Calms our Fears in Perilous Times. His latest articles are about transhumanism and pastors ignoring Bible prophecy.

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